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的 badging process starts with the company’s Authorized Signatory (AS) who submits the new employee’s information into the system via the AS portal or sends a link to the new employee to complete for themselves. 一旦徽章申请完成, 志愿服务处可提示申请人安排首次预约. Each applicant/badge holder can review their application status by using the Application Status button found on our website. Each employee should utilize their Authorized Signatory as the primary point of contact on the badging process.


我们要给你发警徽. 这是我们存在的理由.

当我们发放徽章时,我们很高兴,你很高兴,你的雇主也很高兴. But here’s the tough part – we’re bound by federal regulations to verify that you are who you say you are, 并且你有资格在美国工作.S. 如果你没有带正确的证件,我们不能发给你徽章. Please help us avoid that by reading the information below and the frequently asked questions will assist any additional questions.


Only SIDA Airport ID Badge holders with Escort privileges may provide escort into the SIDA and Sterile Area. This authority is determined by the Authorized Signatory based on an employee’s job duties and responsibilities. 的 number of badge holders with Escort privileges must be tightly controlled the Authorized Signatory. 执行押解职务的职员必须注意:

  • 1月1日开始, 2024, an individual can only be escorted for a maximum of 14 calendar days within a one calendar year (Calendar Year: January to December). 一旦个人达到14天(日历年:1月至12月), 他们将被要求持有有效的机场身份证才能再次进入.
  • Individuals requiring an escort into Secured/SIDA or Sterile Areas must be for official business only and will not be permitted to exceed 14 calendar days total within a one calendar year.
  • Escorted individuals must be continuously accompanied and monitored while in the SIDA and Sterile Area. 被护送的人员必须始终在其护送人员的可视和可听距离内.
  • Escorted access is permitted for those who have not been issued a SIDA badge provided they have an acceptable, valid government picture ID and are properly escorted by an individual possessing a valid Airport ID Badge with Escort authority, designated by either an “E” for Escort or an “A” indicating an armed law enforcement officer.
  • 已获发徽章的徽章持有人, 但我放错了地方, 失去了, 或者忘记了, 不得押送. 在护送一个人之前,确保他们没有携带任何违禁物品
  • An Airport ID Badge holder may pass responsibility for an escorted person to another badge holder having Escort authority after briefing the individual on the purpose of the escort and receiving acknowledgment that the badge holder will assume responsibility for continuing the escort.
  • Individuals cannot escort more than five persons without the approval of the Airport Security Coordinator.

申请人或徽章持有人的访问权限可能会被拒绝, 暂停, 或因违反联邦法律而被撤销, 州或地方法律, 或机场安全计划.

Access privileges may also be denied or 暂停 while the applicant or badge holder is a party of interest or a suspect in an active criminal investigation, or when the Criminal History Records Check results disclose that the applicant or badge holder has been indicted, 带电, 被判有罪, 或因重罪或a级轻罪被推迟判决.

申请人和警徽持有人必须报告任何随后的逮捕, 指控, 指控, 或被定罪 AccessCHRC@colindowdeswell.com 立即将他们的安全标识牌交给访问DFW.

You may complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in your FBI identification record. 获取变更的程序, 修正, 或银河电子app彩票联邦调查局身份记录的规定见28 CFR 16.34; 28 CFR 50.12(b).

If, 在审阅你的身份证明记录后, 您认为它在任何方面都是不正确或不完整的,并希望更改, 纠正或银河电子app彩票所谓的缺陷, you should make application directly to the agency which contributed the questioned information. You may also direct your challenge as to the accuracy or completeness of any entry on your record to the FBI, 刑事司法资讯服务部, 经办人:并, 国防部. 邮编26306克拉克斯堡卡斯特空心路1000号D-2. 的 FBI will then forward the challenge to the agency which submitted the data requesting that agency to verify or correct the challenged entry. Upon the receipt of an official communication directly from the agency which contributed the original information, the FBI CJIS Division will make any changes necessary in accordance with the information supplied by that agency; 28 CFR 16.34.


All Airport ID Badges belong to DFW and must be surrendered or returned upon request or upon termination. 除非有立即投降的要求, 机场身份牌必须尽快归还给访问DFW, 但不得迟于机场身分证停用之日起计五个工作天. Failure to return Airport ID badges could result to fees or civil penalties being accessed to the company or Authorized Signatory.

If an applicant applies for an Airport ID Badge for another employer and the Airport ID Badge from a previous employer has not been returned to 访问DFW, 领回旧的机场身分证后,才会发出新的机场身分证. Failure to return an Airport ID badge could result in fees being accessed and possibly a Class C misdemeanor criminal offense.


  • 我在下面的签名表明我已经阅读并理解了以下内容:
  • 未能返回安全凭据声明:
  • I understand and acknowledge that it is a criminal offense (class C misdemeanor) to fail to return DFW Airport Security Credentials upon cessation or termination of employment at DFW Airport or upon notice from the DFW Airport 董事会 that such security credentials have been revoked. DFW机场董事会规则和条例第3-22条.

A company’s Authorized Signatory (AS) is responsible for immediately deactivating a badge when an employee is terminated, 不再需要访问权限, 或者警徽丢失或被盗.

访问DFW颁发的所有徽章均为DFW机场的财产. 根据联邦法规, Authorized Signatories are responsible for suspending and collecting – or making reasonable efforts to collect – a badge immediately upon an employee’s termination. 如果不这样做,可能会导致最高14 950美元的民事罚款.

Authorized Signatories should use the SAFE AS portal to deactivate a badge immediately of the employee’s termination. 如果应用服务器不可用, call the DPS non-emergency number at 972 973 3210 and ask to speak with a Tactical Communications Supervisor regarding badge deactivation.




